Many believe dairy is cruelty-free, but the dairy industry is no less cruel than the meat industry.
Read MoreThe dairy industry routinely promotes the nutritional value of cows’ milk. By way of example: cows’ milk provides calcium which can help build strong bones.
Read MoreDairy and the environment - a topic seldom talked about. But this overview shows that large dairy farms do a number on their immediate environment and the ecosystem.
Read MoreJoin us from Oct-1 to Nov-1 to move to a vegan lifestyle together with the Catskill Animal Sanctuary.
Read MoreSoon after this photo was taken someone put a captive bolt gun between his eyes and shot him. He then would have been hung upside down and had his throat slit and then bled to death.
Read MoreThese are the last days of Emily, dairy cow # 294. She was left standing in pain at an auction where Twyla Francois took pity and tried to ease her misery. Without success. A testament to the Canadian Dairy Industry.
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